The Committee receives a large number of questions and queries and the following themes have been identified.
Can anyone apply to be a member of the SBOA? NO
There is a straightforward criteria for members detailed in the current constitution of which there are a number of grades, for example, Full membership = 18+yrs with boat and full voting rights, Associate Membership = former Full member no boat and no vote. Junior Member = under 18’s with boat but no vote, Probationary Members= all new members for first two years of membership, with boat but no vote, Honorary member = 18+ yrs, with boat and vote but no fee. ( special resolution only)
3.4 New members of the Association, irrespective of grade, shall reside in the Parish of Whitchurch
and keep a boat within the Parish of Whitchurch. Membership may be granted to a person not
complying with either or both of these conditions by resolution of an Annual General Meeting or
Extraordinary General Meeting.
3.5 Any person who wishes to become a Full Member or Junior Member of the Association shall be
proposed for membership by an existing Full Member and seconded by another Full Member. Each
proposal for membership shall be given in writing to the Secretary who shall submit the proposal to
the next meeting of the Committee. At the membership meeting in January each year the Committee
shall by resolution elect or refuse to elect any person so proposed. Any person so elected shall take
up membership of the Association on payment of a joining fee, subscription and footage charges as
may be determined from time to time in accordance with this constitution.
What type of insurance cover does the SBOA hold?
please see the following statement from the SBOA’s insurance advisor
Brief on our Insurance cover (thomascarroll).
I can confirm that the SBOA holds the following Liability Insurance Policies: –
Public Liability – £5m. This provides the club and its members cover against damage or injury to third party persons or property, and includes legal defence costs.
Employers Liability – £10m. This provides the club and its members cover against damage or injury to any Employees, which will include volunteers.
Trustees & Committee Liability – £250,000 This provides cover for the club and its members cover against a negligent act being performed. Broadly speaking, these would be claims for pure financial loss. This policy specifically excludes claims for injury or damage as these will be picked up by the relevant liability policy. Members and visitors must have their own car and boat insurance which should include 3rd party cover of at least £1,000,000 which can be reviewed. Simon Lawrence 3 October 2017
Can anyone park on the Quay? NO
There is limited space to park cars on Trinity Quay and the Sand Quay and this space is reserved for SBOA members only.. All current SBOA members are required to give their car registration number to the SBOA secretary which will be displayed on their car parking sticker. All SBOA Members must ensure that their car has a current sticker displayed and that they park with due consideration for other SBOA members or planned Events. e.g. regatta’s, boat lift’s etc